● When given a list of possible information sources consulted for child health or vaccine information, parents most commonly selected news and the government followed by television, Facebook, and YouTube.
● Parents most commonly discussed child health and vaccination decisions with their own parents, in-laws, and other relatives when given a list of sources by researchers.
● When we gave parents an open-ended response question about where they got information to decide whether to vaccinate their kids against COVID-19, health care professionals were the most commonly cited source of information overall, followed by news, government, and online/social media sources.
● However, parents of vaccinated children ages 5-18 were much more likely to mention health care professionals - as well as the government and schools - compared to those with unvaccinated children ages 5-18.
● Conversely, parents of unvaccinated kids ages 5-18 were much more likely to say their own general research, and their own decisions and values, were important sources in decision-making compared to parents of vaccinated kids ages 5-18. Parents of unvaccinated children ages 5-18 were also more likely to say that they did not know where they got information, or they did not look for or receive information.